2021/05-至今 中国海洋大学 公海欢迎来到赌船 副教授
2016/09-2021/04 加拿大麦吉尔大学大气与海洋科学系博士后
McGill Space Institute Fellowship, 2017
国家奖学金, 2014
1. Yuwei Wang, and Yi Huang (2021). A Single-Column Simulation-Based Decomposition of the Tropical Upper-Tropospheric Warming. Journal of Climate, 34.13, 5337-5348.
2. Yuwei Wang, and Yi Huang (2020), The surface warming attributable to stratospheric water vapor in CO2-caused global warming, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, e2020JD032752.
3. Yuwei Wang, and Yi Huang (2020), Stratospheric radiative feedback limited by the tropospheric influence in global warming, Climate Dynamics, 1-8
4. Yuwei Wang, and Yi Huang (2020), Understanding the atmospheric temperature adjustment to CO2 perturbation at the process level, Journal of Climate, 33(3), 787-803.
5. YuweiWang,YonggangLiu,FengTian,JunYang,FengDing,LinjiongZhou,and YongyunHu(2016),EffectsofObliquityontheHabitabilityofExoplanetsaround M Dwarfs,TheAstrophysical JournalLetters, 823(1),L20
6. YuweiWang, FengTian,TongLiandYongyun Hu.(2016)On theDetection ofCO as anAnti-biosignautrein ExoplanetaryAtmospheres.Icarus, 266,15-23
7. YuweiWang,FengTian,andYongyunHu.(2014)ClimatePatternsofHabitable Exoplanets in EccentricOrbitsAround M Dwarfs.ApJL791,L12.
8. Yan Xia, Yuwei Wang, Yi Huang, Yongyun Hu, Jianchun Bian, Chuanfeng Zhao, Cheng Sun (2021), Significant contribution of stratospheric water vapor to the poleward expansion of the Hadley circulation in autumn under greenhouse warming. Geophysical Research Letters, e2021GL094008.
9. Yi Huang, Yuwei Wang, and Han Huang (2020), Stratospheric water vapor feedback disclosed by a locking experiment, e2020GL087987
10. Yi Huang, and Yuwei Wang (2019), How does radiation code accuracy matter? Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 124(20), 10742-10752
11. Yongyun Hu, Yuwei Wang, Yonggang Liu, and Jun Yang (2017), Climate and Habitability of Kepler 452b Simulated with a Fully Coupled Atmosphere–Ocean General Circulation Mode. The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 835(1): L6.
12. Jiayu Bin., Feng Tian, Yanluan Lin, and Yuwei Wang (2018). Low probability of tropical cyclones on ocean planets in the habitable zones of M dwarfs. Icarus, 299, 364-369
13. Duo Cui, Feng Tian, Yuwei Wang, Li, C., Yu, C., and Yu, L. (2017). On the Growth and Detectability of Land Plants on Habitable Planets around M Dwarfs. Astrobiology, 17(12), 1219-1232
14. Zhang Xing, Feng Tian, YuweiWang, et al (2017), Surface Variability of Short-wavelength Radiation and Temperature on Exoplanets around M Dwarfs. The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 2017, 837(2): L27.
15. Yonggang Liu., W. R. Peltier, Jun Yang, G. Vettoretti, and Yuwei Wang (2017). Strong effects of tropical ice-sheet coverage and thickness on the hard snowball Earth bifurcation point. Climate Dynamics, 48(11-12), 3459-3474.
16. TongLi,FengTian,YuweiWang,WanjingWeiandXiaomengHuang.(2016) Distinguishingahypotheticalabioticplanet-moonsystemfromasingleinhabited planet.ApJL. 817(2),L15.
17. JunYang,JeremyLeconte,EricT.Wolf,ColinGoldblatt,NicoleFeldl,TimothyMerlis, YuweiWang,DanielD.B.Koll,FengDing,FrancoisForget,andDorianS.Abbot, Differencesinwatervaporradiativetransferamong1Dmodelscansignificantly affect theinner edgeof thehabitable zone, The Astrophysical Journal, 2016, 826(2): 222.
1. “How the stratospheric water vapor warms the surface?”, Talk, IUGG, Montreal, Canada, 2019
2. “Decompose contributions of radiation, convection and advection to global warming”, Poster, Radiation & Climate, Lewiston, USA, 2017
3. “OntheDetectionofCOasanAnti-biosignautreinExoplanetaryAtmospheres”,Poster,Extreme Solar SystemIII meeting, Hawaii, USA,2015
4. “DifferentClimatePatternsDrivenbyEccentricityandObliquityandTheir ImplicationsforObservations”,Talk,2ndconferenceonglobalchangeresearch for graduate student, Beijing, China, 2015
5. “ClimatePatternsofHabitableExoplanetsinEccentricOrbitsaroundMDwarf”,Talk,EastAsianYoungAstronomers Meeting,Taipei, 2015
6. “ClimatePatterns ofHabitable Exoplanets in EccentricOrbits aroundM Dwarf”,Poster,AGUFall Meeting, SanFrancisco, USA, 2014
Yuwei Wang
Associate Professor,
College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences
Ocean University of China
238 Songling Rd, Qingdao 266100, China
2021/05-present, Associate Professor, Ocean University of China, China
2016/09-2021/04, Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, McGill University
2016 Ph.D. Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, Peking University
2010 B.S. Atmospheric Sciences (Major) and Mathematics and Applied Mathematics (Minor), Sun Yat-sen University
2017 McGill Space Institute Fellowship
2015 Excellent Talk Award, 2nd conference on global change research for graduate student, Beijing
2014 National Scholarship, Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China
Radiation and climate change, climate simulation, habitability of exoplanet
1. Yuwei Wang, and Yi Huang (2021). A Single-Column Simulation-Based Decomposition of the Tropical Upper-Tropospheric Warming. Journal of Climate, 34.13, 5337-5348.
2. Yuwei Wang, and Yi Huang (2020), The surface warming attributable to stratospheric water vapor in CO2-caused global warming, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, e2020JD032752.
3. Yuwei Wang, and Yi Huang (2020), Stratospheric radiative feedback limited by the tropospheric influence in global warming, Climate Dynamics, 1-8
4. Yuwei Wang, and Yi Huang (2020), Understanding the atmospheric temperature adjustment to CO2 perturbation at the process level, Journal of Climate, 33(3), 787-803.
5. YuweiWang,YonggangLiu,FengTian,JunYang,FengDing,LinjiongZhou,and YongyunHu(2016),EffectsofObliquityontheHabitabilityofExoplanetsaround M Dwarfs,TheAstrophysical JournalLetters, 823(1),L20
6. YuweiWang, FengTian,TongLiandYongyun Hu.(2016)On theDetection ofCO as anAnti-biosignautrein ExoplanetaryAtmospheres.Icarus, 266,15-23
7. YuweiWang,FengTian,andYongyunHu.(2014)ClimatePatternsofHabitable Exoplanets in EccentricOrbitsAround M Dwarfs.ApJL791,L12.
8. Yan Xia, Yuwei Wang, Yi Huang, Yongyun Hu, Jianchun Bian, Chuanfeng Zhao, Cheng Sun (2021), Significant contribution of stratospheric water vapor to the poleward expansion of the Hadley circulation in autumn under greenhouse warming. Geophysical Research Letters, e2021GL094008.
9. Yi Huang, Yuwei Wang, and Han Huang (2020), Stratospheric water vapor feedback disclosed by a locking experiment, e2020GL087987
10. Yi Huang, and Yuwei Wang (2019), How does radiation code accuracy matter? Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 124(20), 10742-10752
11. Yongyun Hu, Yuwei Wang, Yonggang Liu, and Jun Yang (2017), Climate and Habitability of Kepler 452b Simulated with a Fully Coupled Atmosphere–Ocean General Circulation Mode. The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 835(1): L6.
12. Jiayu Bin., Feng Tian, Yanluan Lin, and Yuwei Wang (2018). Low probability of tropical cyclones on ocean planets in the habitable zones of M dwarfs. Icarus, 299, 364-369
13. Duo Cui, Feng Tian, Yuwei Wang, Li, C., Yu, C., and Yu, L. (2017). On the Growth and Detectability of Land Plants on Habitable Planets around M Dwarfs. Astrobiology, 17(12), 1219-1232
14. Zhang Xing, Feng Tian, YuweiWang, et al (2017), Surface Variability of Short-wavelength Radiation and Temperature on Exoplanets around M Dwarfs. The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 2017, 837(2): L27.
15. Yonggang Liu., W. R. Peltier, Jun Yang, G. Vettoretti, and Yuwei Wang (2017). Strong effects of tropical ice-sheet coverage and thickness on the hard snowball Earth bifurcation point. Climate Dynamics, 48(11-12), 3459-3474.
16. TongLi,FengTian,YuweiWang,WanjingWeiandXiaomengHuang.(2016) Distinguishingahypotheticalabioticplanet-moonsystemfromasingleinhabited planet.ApJL. 817(2),L15.
17. JunYang,JeremyLeconte,EricT.Wolf,ColinGoldblatt,NicoleFeldl,TimothyMerlis, YuweiWang,DanielD.B.Koll,FengDing,FrancoisForget,andDorianS.Abbot, Differencesinwatervaporradiativetransferamong1Dmodelscansignificantly affect theinner edgeof thehabitable zone, The Astrophysical Journal, 2016, 826(2): 222.
1. “How the stratospheric water vapor warms the surface?”, Talk, IUGG, Montreal, Canada, 2019
2. “Decompose contributions of radiation, convection and advection to global warming”, Poster, Radiation & Climate, Lewiston, USA, 2017
3. “OntheDetectionofCOasanAnti-biosignautreinExoplanetaryAtmospheres”,Poster,Extreme Solar SystemIII meeting, Hawaii, USA,2015
4. “DifferentClimatePatternsDrivenbyEccentricityandObliquityandTheir ImplicationsforObservations”,Talk,2ndconferenceonglobalchangeresearch for graduate student, Beijing, China, 2015
5. “ClimatePatternsofHabitableExoplanetsinEccentricOrbitsaroundMDwarf”,Talk,EastAsianYoungAstronomers Meeting,Taipei, 2015
6. “ClimatePatterns ofHabitable Exoplanets in EccentricOrbits aroundM Dwarf”,Poster,AGUFall Meeting, SanFrancisco, USA, 2014